Jam along for free with the Junk Orchestra on Saturday 11 July 2020 for a fun-filled, recycled rave online. Build a drum, shaker, trumpet or guitar from your recycling at home and join the band on Zoom from your kitchen table.
Book a choice of 3 x 30-minute sessions: 9:30am, 10:15am and 11:00am.
Perfect for primary age children & families: 4+ years.
Limited to 15 screens per session, early booking advised.
Zoom meeting information provided with the ticket.
This is a free event and a wonderful opportunity to play instant music as a family. If you want to book, please email stuart@stmargaretshouse.org.uk.
Get a taster of what’s in store by watching: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJ50x_UBgwE&feature=youtu.be
Junk Orchestra is a part of St Margaret’s House’s REACH Online programme, delivering free online events and happenings from June through to September 2020. REACH Online is proudly funded by Arts Council England.