This online dance and movement improvisation course with Rosamond Martin from St Margaret’s House Yoganest will explore various ways of using the body to create body awareness, improve coordination and link moves together fluidly. Rather than setting dance routines, this course will work on individual expression through dance, offering a creative way to explore your body.
The course will run over five weeks and is accessible to anyone. It hopes to facilitate physical and mental wellbeing and foster a deeper connection to yourself, your body and each other.
Alongside to this summer short course, Rosamond is running two other movement and dance courses: one a Community class for Carers’ Networks and the other an advanced course for professional performers (visit Reach Online’s What’s On for more add hyperlink:
In the first week of September, the final session will be an opportunity for all these groups to come together and create an online performance.
Movement and Dance for Beginners with Rosamond Martin is a part of St Margaret’s House’s REACH Online programme of free online events and happenings.
REACH Online is funded by Arts Council England, the Heritage Lottery Fund and the London Community Response Fund.