Join Director of Tamasha, Sita Thomas, for a two-hour workshop on how to direct audio drama with members from the community.
Sita will raise and answer the questions:
How is directing audio drama different from working with actors in a rehearsal room?
How do you get the best out of your team and create an enjoyable experience?
This virtual workshop will guide you through the basics, from planning, how to work with actors, creating enjoyable experiences and how to break down a script.
There will be practical exercises for the group to engage with, as you consider the importance of audio drama in our current times, and possibilities of remote recording.
This workshop is suitable for:
For early career/aspiring directors with zero experience of directing audio drama.
For directors / theatre artists who want to explore directing audio in order to upskill themselves.
For directors who may have little experience who would like a refresher.
This opportunity is open to everyone but positively aimed to those who identify as BAME.
Sita has directed short plays at National Theatre, Rich Mix, Southwark Playhouse, RADA and Old Vic.
To apply, you don’t need any formal qualifications but you must demonstrate an interest in directing theatre. The deadline for applications is Friday 19 June at 12pm. To apply, head over to the Tamasha website.