Do you want to know more about your rights as a tenant? If the Coivd-19 pandemic has shed even more obscurity over your tenant protections, this is the class for you.
Join Creative Wick for their useful online masterclass that will teach you the basics of landlord and tenant law. Mark Roberts, Partner at Counterculture LLP, will lead the session, followed by a Q&A.
To register, head over to Creative Wick’s page on Eventbrite and signup before the session.
Creative Wick is a Creative Regeneration Agency founded in 2013. They seek to facilitate a permanent, sustainable, creative community for local residents, businesses and institutions with an interest in the long-term viability and continued authenticity of the arts, culture and creativity in Hackney Wick, Fish Island and the wider East London area.
Counterculture helps cultural, educational and creative organisations to plan, manage and thrive. Working for businesses, not-for-profits, public bodies, clubs and individuals – locally, nationally and internationally.