About Us

Poplar LDN is published by Social Streets CIC, which was founded to increase engagement and participation in local communities and their economies.

We believe community journalism connects readers with their area and each other. We believe celebrating the lives of local people, sharing the stories of local businesses, unearthing the riches of local culture and heritage, and providing a platform for people to have their say, strengthens community ties and boosts the local economy.

Journalism is a struggling industry clinging desperately to the way things have always been done. Our role is to explore alternatives, to see if a grassroots approach to news can not just survive, but flourish.

We want to reinvent the publishing model for the 21st century, moving away from reliance on ad revenue and instead modelling journalism built around local identity and community.

We are a work in progress. Mistakes will be made, kooky experiments will be conducted and some will end up on the cutting room floor, but that’s the game we’re in. The readership is there. The rest will come. We hope you’ll join us.

Poplar LDN is one of several place-based online publications being developed by Social Streets C.I.C, community interest company 08533645. Others include Roman Road LDN, Whitechapel LDN and Bethnal Green LDN