Code of Conduct
We are published by Social Streets CIC, a not-for-profit news and media organisation that publishes local news and culture magazines in London, United Kingdom, and we abide by the Code of Conduct of our parent company.
- Team members shall conduct themselves in a manner that will not cause offence to other team members. Harassment, bullying, intimidation, or discriminatory behaviour will not be tolerated and will be grounds for dismissal of individual members in accordance with their contract or Terms of Agreement.
- Team members must at all times uphold the company’s values at all times . A member may be suspended from the company for failure to observe this, or for any other conduct not in line with the aims of the company.
- In all matters relating to the company, team members shall comply with the Articles of Association and all company policies, including in particular the Equalities & Diversity Policy, the Health & Safety Policy, the Safeguarding Policy and the Financial Procedures.
- Team members must never personalise issues, and should be willing to recognise that everybody is entitled to express their point of view without unduly preventing progress of discussion.
- Team members must never use their position to seek preferential treatment for themselves, their family or relatives. Nor should they use their position to be treated more or less favourably when requesting services from local businesses or organisations. Team members are prohibited from requesting ‘freebies’ unless with the explicit approval of the Editor or Publisher.
- All gifts or freebies offered to in-house staff must be declared to the Editor or Publisher. Gifts with a value of over £50 should be politely returned or may be entered for the annual raffle of such items for charity. Products and services provided for review purposes should be returned unless permission is given in writing to retain said produce or service.
- Social Streets will not allow any payment, gift or other advantage to undermine accuracy, fairness or independence. Any attempts to induce favourable editorial treatment through the offer of gifts or favours should be reported to the Editor. Where relevant, payments, gifts or other advantages will be disclosed in editorial.
- Theft, deceit and the withholding of information is not tolerated by the company and such behaviour provides grounds for dismissal.
- The Directors have the right to warn team member(s) of their behaviour. If they persist their membership may be terminated in accordance with their contract or Term of Understanding.
- Team members must not divulge any company business that is treated as confidential to other persons or organisations.